Distinguish yourself without starting from scratch
There are several ways to customize Natura11y. You can use the CDN Stylesheet to redefine styles, which we'll cover in the next section. Alternatively, you can set up a modern development environment.
Setting up a development environment typically involves installing necessary tools like Node.js, a package manager (such as npm or yarn), and setting up Webpack to bundle your code. This approach gives you full control over the build process, allowing for advanced customizations and optimizations.
Customizable CDN
The Quick Start guide shows how to include the framework's core stylesheet via CDN. Natura11y's CSS uses CSS variables, making customization easy.
<!-- Natura11y Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/natura11y@4.0.0-alpha/dist/natura11y.min.css" />
CSS variables can be updated dynamically, allowing you to declare new values from natura11y.css at any point after including the stylesheet.
You can declare new CSS variable values in a few ways:
- Add a style tag in the header: Ideal for prototyping and experimenting.
- Create a second stylesheet: Preferred for maintaining organization.
- Use JavaScript: Redeclare values programmatically for dynamic customization.
Reference Guide: CSS Variables
All CSS Variables in Natura11y are scoped to :root
(document). Document scoped variables use the :root
pseudo selector, making them available throughout the entire page (Figure 5). This means that once you define a CSS variable under :root
, it can be accessed and used anywhere in the document, ensuring consistent styling across all elements on the page.
/* Scoped to the root */
:root {
--primary: #0080f8;
The following table lists all CSS variables used in Natura11y.
Variable | Description | |
Name:--accordion-button-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-3) | Left and right padding of the accordion component button | |
Name:--accordion-button-padding-y Value:var(--button-padding-y) | Top and bottom padding of the accordion component button | |
Name:--accordion-panel-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-3) | Left and right padding of the accordion component panel | |
Name:--accordion-panel-padding-y Value:var(--spacer-3) | Top and bottom padding of the accordion component panel | |
Name:--accordion-active-color Value:currentColor | Color of active accordion component button | |
Name:--accordion-animation Value:0.2s ease-out | Animation of accordion component open and close action |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--alert-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-2) | Left and right padding of the alert component header and body | |
Name:--alert-padding-y Value:var(--spacer-2) | Top and bottom padding of the alert component header and body |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--article-sidebar-width Value:280px | Width of the article component sidebar |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--focus-outline-size Value:calc(var(--border-width) * 2) | Size of the focus outline for buttons and links | |
Name:--focus-outline-color Value:currentColor | Color of the focus outline for buttons and links | |
Name:--focus-outline-style Value:solid | Style of the focus outline for buttons and links |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--backdrop-fixed-height Value:400px | Height of the backdrop component with the fixed height modifier class |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--border-width Value:1px | Width of all borders applied across your stylesheet | |
Name:--border-style Value:solid | Style of all borders applied across your stylesheet | |
Name:--border-radius Value:0.25em | Border radius of the border-radius utility classes |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--button-padding-x Value:1em | Left and right padding of the button utility class | |
Name:--button-padding-y Value:0.75em | Top and bottom padding of the button utility class | |
Name:--button-font-weight Value:var(--font-weight-bold) | Weight of text elements within the button utility class | |
Name:--button-text-transform Value:initial | Text transform of text elements within the button utility class | |
Name:--button-letter-spacing Value:normal | Letter spacing of text elements within the button utility class | |
Name:--button-text-transform Value:initial | Text transform value of the button utility class | |
Name:--button-border-radius Value:0.25em | Default Border radius of all button selectors | |
Name:--button-outline-border-width Value:calc( var(--border-width) * 2) | Border width of the button outline modifier class | |
Name:--button-icon-only-size Value:0.5em | Width and height of the button icon only modifier class |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--card-padding-x Value:var(--container-padding-x) | Left and right padding of the card component header, body, and footer | |
Name:--card-padding-y Value:var(--spacer-3) | Top and bottom padding of the card component header, body, and footer |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--primary Value:#1E00B3 | The primary color applied within the theme and color utility classes | |
Name:--primary-text Value:white | Color of text elements within the primary theme utility class | |
Name:--primary-border Value:hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.25); | Color of borders within the primary theme utility class | |
Name:--primary-link Value:currentColor | Color of links within the primary theme utility class | |
Name:--primary-confirm Value:currentColor | Color of confirmation alerts within the primary theme utility class | |
Name:--primary-warn Value:currentColor | Color of warning alerts within the primary theme utility class | |
Name:--secondary Value:#64cc7e | The secondary color applied within the theme and color utility classes | |
Name:--secondary-text Value:var(--dark) | Color of text elements within the secondary theme utility class | |
Name:--secondary-border Value:hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.25) | Color of borders within the secondary theme utility class | |
Name:--secondary-link Value:currentColor | Color of links within the secondary theme utility class | |
Name:--secondary-confirm Value:currentColor | Color of confirmation alerts within the secondary theme utility class | |
Name:--secondary-warn Value:currentColor | Color of warning alerts within the secondary theme utility class | |
Name:--dark Value:#191b35 | The dark color applied within the theme and color utility classes | |
Name:--dark-text Value:currentColor | Color of text elements within the dark theme utility class | |
Name:--dark-border Value:currentColor | Color of borders within the dark theme utility class | |
Name:--dark-link Value:currentColor | Color of links within the dark theme utility class | |
Name:--dark-confirm Value:currentColor | Color of confirmation alerts within the dark theme utility class | |
Name:--dark-warn Value:currentColor | Color of warning alerts within the dark theme utility class | |
Name:--light Value:#191b35 | The light color applied within the theme and color utility classes | |
Name:--light-text Value:var(--dark) | Color of text elements within the light theme utility class | |
Name:--light-border Value:hsla(0, 0%, 50%, 0.25) | Color of borders within the light theme utility class | |
Name:--light-link Value:var(--a11y-link) | Color of links within the light theme utility class | |
Name:--light-confirm Value:#007e35 | Color of confirmation alerts within the light theme utility class | |
Name:--light-warn Value:#ce1736 | Color of warning alerts within the light theme utility class | |
Name:--canvas-text Value:var(--dark) | Color of text elements within the canvas theme (default) utility class | |
Name:--canvas-border Value:hsla(0, 0%, 50%, 0.25) | Color of borders within the canvas theme (default) utility class | |
Name:--canvas-link Value:var(--a11y-link) | Color of links within the canvas theme (default) utility class | |
Name:--canvas-confirm Value:#008237 | Color of confirmation alerts within the canvas theme (default) utility class | |
Name:--canvas-warn Value:#e4193c | Color of warning alerts within the canvas theme (default) utility class |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--container-padding-x-sm Value:var(--spacer-2) | Left and right padding of the container component on smaller (mobile) viewports | |
Name:--container-padding-x-lg Value:var(--spacer-3) | Left and right padding of the container component on larger (desktop) viewports | |
Name:--narrow-width Value:40rem | Maximum width of the narrow utility class | |
Name:--medium-width Value:calc( var(--narrow-width) * 1.75) | Maximum width of the medium utility class | |
Name:--wide-width Value:calc( var(--narrow-width) * 2.5) | Maximum width of the wide utility class |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--body-min-width Value:325px | Minimum width of the body element | |
Name:--body-max-width Value:100% | Maximum width of the body element | |
Name:--html-background-color Value:var(--canvas) | Background color of the html element | |
Name:--html-scroll-behavior Value:smooth | Scroll behavior of the html element |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--form-field-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-3) | Left and right padding of certain form entry elements | |
Name:--form-field-padding-y Value:var(--button-padding-y) | Top and bottom padding of certain form entry elements | |
Name:--form-field-border-radius Value:0.25em | Maximum width of the medium utility class | |
Name:--form-field-border-color Value:currentColor | Border color of all form fields |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--grid-divider-gap Value:var(--spacer-3) | Default total gap size of the grid divider selector | |
Name:--grid-divider-border-width Value:var(--border-width) | Width of centered border between grid divider gap | |
Name:--grid-divider-border-x-color Value:var(--canvas-border) | Color of centered border along the horizontal axis of the grid divider selector | |
Name:--grid-divider-border-y-color Value:var(--canvas-border) | Color of centered border along the vertical axis of the grid--divider selector | |
Name:--grid-sidebar-width Value:var(--article-sidebar-width) | Sidebar width of the grid--sidebar-left and grid--sidebar-right selectors |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--gradient-mask-start Value:50% | Gradient's starting position (relative to its direction) of the gradient veneer utilities | |
Name:--gradient-mask-opacity Value:1 | Opacity of the gradient utility class within the gradient veneer utilities |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--icon-size Value:1.25em | Size of Natura11y Icons present in buttons | |
Name:--icon-font-family Value:'natura11y-icons' | Name of font used for the icons |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--lightbox-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-2) | Left and right padding of the lightbox component | |
Name:--lightbox-padding-y Value:var(--spacer-2) | Top and bottom padding of the lightbox component | |
Name:--lightbox-text-color Value:hsl(0, 0%, 100%) | Color of the text inside the lightbox component | |
Name:--lightbox-overlay-color Value:hsl(0, 0%, 0%) | Color of the lightbox overlay | |
Name:--lightbox-overlay-opacity Value:0.8 | Opacity of the lightbox overlay | |
Name:--lightbox-media-border-radius Value:0 | Border radius of the lightbox utility classes | |
Name:--lightbox-media-shadow Value:0 0.125rem 1rem 0.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) | Shadow value of the lightbox media component | |
Name:--lightbox-z-index Value:1000 | Z-index value of the lightbox component | |
Name:--lightbox-caption-text-align Value:center | Text align value of the lightbox caption | |
Name:--lightbox-thumbnail-icon-image Value:'160' | Content value of the lightbox thumbnail image icon | |
Name:--lightbox-thumbnail-icon-video Value:'163' | Content value of the lightbox thumbnail video icon |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--modal-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-2) | Left and right padding of the modal component header, body, and footer | |
Name:--modal-padding-y Value:var(--spacer-2) | Top and bottom padding of the modal component header, body, and footer | |
Name:--modal-overlay-color Value:#000 | Color of the modal overlay | |
Name:--modal-overlay-opacity Value:0.75 | Opacity of the modal overlay | |
Name:--modal-z-index Value:50000 | Z-index value of the entire modal component |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--nav-gap Value:0.875em | Size of spacer 1*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--nav-divider-padding-y Value:0.625em | Size of spacer 2*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--nav-divider-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-3) | Size of spacer 3*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--primary-nav-padding-x Value:var(--container-padding-x) | Size of spacer 4*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--primary-nav-padding-y Value:var(--spacer-2) | Size of spacer 5*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--box-shadow-hsl Value:0 0% 0% | Hue, saturation, and lightness color values for box shadow utilities | |
Name:--box-shadow-base-size Value:0.5em | Base size of the box shadow, used in multiplying the three box shadow sizes | |
Name:--box-shadow-base-opacity Value:0.125 | Base opacity value of the box shadow utilities | |
Name:--text-shadow-hsl Value:0 0% 0% | Hue, saturation, and lightness color values for the text shadow utility | |
Name:--text-shadow-base-size Value:0.25em | Base size of the text shadow, used in multiplying the text shadow utility | |
Name:--text-shadow-base-opacity Value:0.5 | Base opacity value of the text shadow utility |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--spacer-base Value:1rem | Size of base spacer value, used in multiplying the five spacer values | |
Name:--spacer-1 Value:calc(var(--spacer-base) * 0.5) | Size of spacer 1*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--spacer-2 Value:calc(var(--spacer-base) * 1) | Size of spacer 2*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--spacer-3 Value:calc(var(--spacer-base) * 1.5) | Size of spacer 3*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--spacer-4 Value:calc(var(--spacer-base) * 2.5) | Size of spacer 4*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--spacer-5 Value:calc(var(--spacer-base) * 4) | Size of spacer 5*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes | |
Name:--spacer-6 Value:calc(var(--spacer-base) * 6.5) | Size of spacer 6*, used in CSS including margin and padding utility classes |
Subtle Fill
Variable | Description | |
Name:--subtle-fill-opacity Value:5% | Opacity of the subtle fill when used globally |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--tab-button-padding-x Value:var(--button-padding-x) | Left and right padding of the tabs nav buttons | |
Name:--tab-button-padding-y Value:var(--button-padding-y) | Top and bottom padding of the tabs nav buttons | |
Name:--tab-nav-text-color Value:var(--link-color, currentColor) | Color of the text of the non-active tab buttons | |
Name:--tab-nav-background-color Value:var(--subtle-fill-1) | Background color of the tabs nav | |
Name:--tab-active-button-color Value:currentColor | Color of the text of the active tab buttons | |
Name:--tab-active-button-background-color Value:transparent | Background color of the active tab buttons | |
Name:--tab-accent-bar-size Value:calc(var(--border-width) * 3) | Size of the accent bar within the active tab button | |
Name:--tab-accent-bar-color Value:currentColor | Color of the accent bar within the active tab button | |
Name:--tab-pill-active-text-color Value:currentColor | Color of the text of the pill active tab buttons | |
Name:--tab-pill-active-background-color Value:var(--subtle-fill-2) | Background color of the pill active tab buttons |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--table-cell-padding-x Value:var(--spacer-3) | Left and right padding of the table cells | |
Name:--table-cell-padding-y Value:0.75em | Top and bottom padding of the table cells | |
Name:--table-font-size Value:var(--font-size-md) | Default font size of the table | |
Name:--table-scroll-min-width Value:800px | Minimum width of the table within the table scroll component |
Variable | Description | |
Name:--body-font-family Value:Source Sans Pro, sans-serif | Font family applied to the entire document | |
Name:--body-font-weight-normal Value:400 | Numeric font weight value for normal fonts | |
Name:--body-font-weight-medium Value:600 | Numeric font weight value for medium fonts | |
Name:--body-font-weight-bold Value:700 | Numeric font weight value for bold fonts | |
Name:--base-font-size Value:0.9rem | Smallest font size in the document | |
Name:--type-scale Value:1.2 | Multiplier for all font sizes in the document | |
Name:--font-size-sm Value:var(--base-font-size) | Small font size used in CSS including font size utility classes | |
Name:--font-size-md Value:calc(var(--font-size-sm) * var(--type-scale)) | Medium font size used in CSS including font size utility classes | |
Name:--font-size-rg Value:calc(var(--font-size-md) * var(--type-scale)) | Regular (paragraph) font size used in CSS including font size utility classes | |
Name:--font-size-lg Value:calc(var(--font-size-rg) * var(--type-scale)) | Large font size used in CSS including font size utility classes | |
Name:--h1-font-size Value:calc(var(--h2-font-size) * var(--type-scale)) | Font size of Section Header Level 1 | |
Name:--h2-font-size Value:calc(var(--h3-font-size) * var(--type-scale)) | Font size of Section Header Level 2 | |
Name:--h3-font-size Value:calc(var(--h4-font-size) * var(--type-scale)) | Font size of Section Header Level 3 | |
Name:--h4-font-size Value:calc(var(--h5-font-size) * var(--type-scale)) | Font size of Section Header Level 4 | |
Name:--h5-font-size Value:calc(var(--h6-font-size) * var(--type-scale)) | Font size of Section Header Level 5 | |
Name:--h6-font-size Value:var(--font-size-rg) | Font size of Section Header Level 6 | |
Name:--banner-headline-font-size Value:calc(var(--h1-font-size) * var(--type-scale)) | Font size of the Banner Headline utility class | |
Name:--banner-headline-font-weight Value:var(--font-weight-normal) | Font weight of the Banner Headline utility class | |
Name:--body-line-height Value:1.5 | Line height applied to the entire document (excluding headers) | |
Name:--header-line-height Value:1.125 | Line height applied only to headers | |
Name:--paragraph-margin-bottom Value:1.25em | Bottom margin set to paragraphs | |
Name:--header-margin-bottom Value:0.25em | Bottom margin set to headers |