Photo by Zdeněk Macháček
Natura11y helps you make websites beautiful and accessible
Not Just a Framework—a Design ECOsystem
Natura11y brings together modern tools, ready-to-use components, and accessibility resources to help you build scalable design systems.
Create inclusive web experiences with less effort. Natura11y ships with a wealth of built-in accessibility features.
Customizable CDN
With Natura11y's CDN stylesheet, use custom properties to redefine styles. No need for complex setups or Sass compilers.
Dynamic Color System
Beyond Dark Mode: Apply color themes to entire pages and single components. You can even apply themes at specific breakpoints.
Figma UI Kit
Explore design options or create your own design system with Natura11y's free-to-use Figma UI Kit.
Build responsive headers, mega menus, dropdowns, and breadcrumbs with Natura11y’s flexible navigation components.
Open Source Icon Library
Use Natura11y's icon library as-is or develop your own custom icon font. Free with no account or sign-up required.
React Starter Components
Jumpstart your next React project with Natura11y's starter components. Use the same styles as in Natura11y's HTML components.
RTL Support
Ensure layouts adapt smoothly to support languages in their natural direction, whether left-to-right or right-to-left.
Make beautiful, readable typography with Natura11y's easy-to-use typography system. Adjust all sizes and scale with just two variables.
Easily Build Dynamic Layouts
Natura11y's ready-made components and intuitive utility classes make it easy to compose pages. The Backdrop example below shows how they work together.
Start with the Backdrop component (line 1) as the base for the call-to-action area. The text and button are currently hard to read and not aligned properly.
We've added a dark theme to the backdrop (line 1), a gradient mask to the image (line 5), and aligned the text block to the bottom of the backdrop (line 11).
To finish, we applied a text shadow to the headline and paragraph (lines 13, 16) and added the secondary theme to the heading and button (lines 13, 19).
A Route of Evanescence
This Emily Dickinson poem captures the fleeting beauty and speed of a hummingbird's flight, emphasizing the ephemeral nature of its movement and presence in a moment of vivid imagery.
<div class="backdrop backdrop--fixed">
<div class="backdrop__media">
<img class="opacity-50" src="..." alt="..." />
<div class="backdrop__cover">
<div class="container text-align-center">
<h2 class="banner-headline">
A Route of Evanescence
This Emily Dickinson poem captures the fleeting...
<a class="button">
Read This Poem