Alert • Natura11y
Grey owl in a tree



Alerts help draw attention to important messages, like confirmations or warnings, that visitors should not miss while browsing the page.

Confirm and Warn

Natura11y provides two types of alerts: Confirm in green and Warn in red.

Each alert should include an icon to help convey its meaning. Use icons from the Natura11y Icons library.

            class="alert alert--confirm"
            <div class="alert__title h5">
                <span class="icon icon-confirm" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                <span class="alert__title__text" id="alert-label">
                    Alert Confirm
            <div class="alert__description" id="alert-description">
                    Thank you for your feedback. A confirmation message has been sent to your email. Return to our <a href="#1">homepage</a>.
Figure 1
Line #Details

The parent .alert class is required.

The .alert--{x} class sets the alert's color, where x can be confirm, attention, or warn.

The aria-labelledby attribute should match the alert title's id.

The aria-describedby attribute should match the alert description's id.

Include role="alert" for urgent information.


The .alert__title class is required. It contains the alert's title and icon.

The .alert__title__text class holds the alert title text and must match the aria-labelledby attribute.


The .alert__description class is optional. It contains the alert description and should match the aria-describedby attribute.

All links (<a> tags) within the <p> tags will automatically inherit the alert's text color.

Inverse Color Modifier

For a bolder look, add --inverse to the alert--confirm or alert--warn classes.

        <div class="alert alert--confirm--inverse">
        <div class="alert alert--warn--inverse">
Figure 2

Title Only Alert

You can create a title-only alert by omitting the .alert__description class.

            class="alert alert--confirm--inverse margin-y-3"
            <div class="alert__title h5">
                <span class="icon icon-confirm" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                <span class="alert__title__text" id="alert-title-only-label">
                    Alert Confirm
Figure 3

Dismissable Alerts

To make an alert dismissable, add the .alert--dismissable class. This will add a close button to the alert.

When the close button is pressed, the alert will be removed from the page.

        <div class="alert alert--confirm alert--dismissable">
Figure 4

More Style Variations

For additional alert styles, you can exclude the .alert--confirm or .alert--warn classes. Instead, use color utilities or border utilities for different styles.

        <div class="alert text-color-link border-left" role="alert">
            <div class="alert__title h5">
                <span class="icon icon-mail" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                <span class="alert__title__text">
                        You have new mail
            <div class="alert__description">
                    You have <strong>(4)</strong> unread messages waiting in
                    <a href='#1'>your account dashboard</a>.
Figure 5